Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Science Writing for general public 書寫科普文章

Scientists like me have spent lots of time in our research. We wrote scientific papers to publish our work in scientific journals. However, these papers are usually too difficult for general public, including my friends and family, to understand. Although most of my friends and family "seem" to know that I have worked on something very interesting and very important. But do they really know what I am doing? Nope. The gap between scientists and the general public is even larger and this gas really needs to be filled up. But how? Today I attended a science writing workshop. We talked a lot about what scientists can do and how we can prepare ourselves to write our own work for general public.




Friday, August 10, 2012

NO JdFR flank expedition on Langseth 航次取消通知-第二發

Final decision about JdF flank expedition on Langseth: **NO**

Since the cancellation of our research cruise using R/V Thomas G. Thompson, our chief scientist, UNOLS(http://www.unols.org/), NSF and the JASON team have been trying really hard to reschedule another backup cruise to retrieve important sampling systems that have been deployed for a year. Unfortunate, there will be a domino effect if they squeeze our cruise in between already fully-scheduled ship and submersible plans so that the final decision is still a "NO." We have to leave those sampling equipment, including our precious GeoMICROBE sled and the samples collected over the past year, on the seafloor for at least another year. Let's hope the best that we get to sail out again.

自從兩個禮拜前,我們的JdFR航次被取消後,首席科學家Dr. Andy Fisher,與美國國科會,美國海洋研究船聯繫網,以及研究潛水艇傑森號的機組人員,不斷的在溝通與協調,希望能夠在挪出幾天的船期與潛水艇時間,讓我們可以取回已經施放在海床上將近一年的採樣儀器。然而,這種決定會產生一連串的骨牌效應,甚至影響到明年一整年的全美的其他研究航次,所以只好決定犧牲,以降低影響的層面,我們只好期待明年我們能夠順順利利的出海,並且把儀器跟樣品成功的收回。這個突發事件其實並不是那麼不可預期的,畢竟我們進行的這種深海研究,所需要的背後支援是相當龐大的,因此,每一次的研究航次,在海上順利作業的每一天,讓我們都是很心存感激的。

Here is the message from our chief scientist.

Hi, Folks,
After a protracted process of discussion and planning, our expedition has been scrubbed for the second time in three weeks. That is not quite accurate, as we were never officially on Langseth...but it sure seemed like we were for a few days...we did our best to get even a few days to recover critical systems, but no joy.
Big breath, let's see what we can do about scheduling for 2013.
Take care, Andy

Below is the message from Dr. James Cowen.

Dear colleagues,

The cruise is officially cancelled. We will need to remove the last two pallets from the container tomorrow morning and I will have the empty container picked up tomorrow noonish. Oliver can manage this with Phil's help. We will then all need to remove our gear from Phil's hanger as soon as is practical.
There is still a very outside possibility that we could have the opportunity to send one person on the Tivey/Butterfield cruise to pick up our GeoM sled, but this would involve only a minimum of gear that would FedEx. 
I am sorry that this happened, but what can you do. I greatly appreciate everyone's help in gearing up for this cruise (multiple times) and your patience and flexibility throughout the process. We will be rescheduled for next summer and lightening never strikes twice in the same place.

aloha, Jim

Monday, July 30, 2012

TN-284 **cancelled for 2012** 航次取消通知

7/26 update, TN-284 **cancelled for 2012**

Our research cruise is officially cancelled. Below is the message from our Chief Scientist, Dr. Andy Fisher: 

Hi Folks: 
The best possible outcome is that TGT gets back in the water on 8/8, not enough time for a partial TN-284 program this summer. Our project is deferred to Summer 2013.
I will be back in touch with the co-PI group to gather information concerning what we may wish to do about scheduling for next year. We can get our preferences into consideration, and press for getting a good match to our scheduling needs having been scrubbed from 2012.
I wish this could have ended otherwise.
Best wishes, Andy  



Sunday, July 22, 2012

See our team in Scientific Drilling cover

Scientific Drilling cover

Ship-to-Shore webcast guest: Dr. Keir Becker遠端視訊訪問,邁阿密大學貝克教授

Ship-to-shore webcast 遠端視訊連線訪問
Guest: Dr. Keir Becker 契爾·貝克教授

Dr. Keir Becker is a professor at the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami. His expertise is in heat flow and hydrothermal circulation in the oceanic crust; permeability and porosity of oceanic crust; borehole hydrogeological observatories. He has participated in many drilling lags of Ocean Drilling Program and Integrated Ocean Drilling Program. He has also have lots of dive experiences. Dr. Becker participated in the design of CORK observatory and is a pioneer scientist to use CORK observatory to conduct in situ experiments obtain data for hydrogeological and seismic studies. To know more about CORK, please read his paper “A review of CORK designs and operations during the Ocean Drilling Program” (link provided at the end of the article).

Here is a short excerpt of the historic review in this article: The origins of the CORK experiment can be traced back to discussions during a 1987 workshop on wireline reentry of deep-sea boreholes. By that time, considerable experience had been gained in interpreting thermal observations* of vertical flow in Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and ODP holes left open between permeable formation and ocean bottom water (e.g., Hyndman et al., 1976; Becker et al., 1983). However, we recognized that such borehole flow, which seemed to be fairly common in holes penetrating through sediments into oceanic basement, represented serious perturbations to the hydrological systems we were attempting to study via scientific ocean drilling; thus, some sort of sealed-hole experiment was necessary to allow reestablishment of equilibrium in in situ conditions to understand hydrogeologic state and processes. ……The first two installations, …… were successfully completed during Leg 139 in the summer of 1991 (Davis et al.,1992).  
* Back in 1960s, scientists have made calculations based on the cooling of oceanic crust to estimate the temperature of surface sediments on the seafloor. However, the actual measured surface sediment temperatures are much cooler than the estimated values. Scientists proposed that there must be hydrothermal circulation to remove the heat from the oceanic crust. That leads to the discovery of hydrothermal vents in the late 1970s. The more rapid and larger volume of hydrothermal circulation, the faster the cooling.   

2011 Ship to Shore Video

2011 AT18-07 Ship to shore video 西元2011年航次AT18-07海上科學家與台灣惠文高中連線之影片

2011.07.02 R/V Atlantis Expedition AT18-07 - Video1

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The evolution of Mobile Pumping System(MPS). 超強採水系統的演進

The evolution of Mobile Pumping System(MPS). 超強採水系統的演進

First generation-2008 
It composed of a large volume bag, a mechanical three way valve and a Seabird pump. Ryan, although was just an undergraduate student helper, put this all together. At that time, we did not realize that the ~300 m long 1/4'' O.D. stainless steel fluid delivery line could generate such a large resistance to prevent over-pressured basement fluid from coming up to the seafloor at a higher flow rate. A pelagic pump was used on our third trial and we were able to collect about 4 L of good pristine basement fluids. The idea of integrating a powerful, clean pump to our pumping system was formed.  

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Questions about subseafloor biosphere research 海下生物圈研究之相關問題

Some students from Taipei First Girls High School are sincere followers of our 
research team and they have asked lots of interesting questions. Many of the 
questions answered by Dr. James Cowen. Let’s see what his answers are. Please also feel free to write down your questions in the “comment” options below and we’d love to answer your questions too.  *click the link below to know more about Taipei First Girls High School http://www.fg.tp.edu.tw/EnglishPage/index.php
By the way, the oceanic crustal fluids that we collected are "SALTY" water. Their salinity is very similar to seawater. The crustal fluids we collected at Juan de Fuca Ridge flank have higher salinity because these fluids were originate from bottom seawater during last glacial maximum (Elderfield et al., 1998).


1.  What do the microbes in underground water absorb for live? 
      Subseafloor microorganisms requirements are similar to microbes from anywhere.  They must obtain carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and a host of other minor and trace elements.
Mascarelli, Nature, 2009 

Friday, June 15, 2012


Current Team Members 現在成員介紹

林卉婷 Dr. Huei-Ting (Tina) Lin
(哈哈~換我當“老闆”了) Team leader

(右邊Right ) 張旭明 Hsu Ming (Miranda) Chang 
Hard working research assistant

楊朝源 Chou-Yuan Yang
Ocean lover M.S. student

(右邊 Right ) 謝志強 Chih-Chiang (Oliver) Hsieh
Volunteer, an underwater sampler expert  

Former Team Members 過去成員介紹
       Research Professor

       Assoc. Professor 

Mike Rappe
       Assoc. Professor 

Alberto Robador
       PostDoctoral Researchers

Robert (Bob) Bowers
       PostDoctoral Researchers 

       Graduate Students

       Graduate Students 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Females work on a ship 船上工作的女生

Females on the ship 船上工作的女生

It is always an astonishing thing for me to see so many female scientists or ship crew. It is almost impossible to see a female crew in Taiwan. There are only few female oceanographers in Taiwan and most of them do not go to sea very often. I interviewed a female ship crew, our ship’s doctor, and some female scientists who sail with me during this expedition to know more about them.

Dr. Gabriele Wolters (Ship’s doctor)  船醫的專訪

1. Why did you choose to work on the ship?
My husband was a captain. He worked on ships for 45 years. He began to work on a ship since he was 14 years old in 1956. I always like to go to sea. When someone asked me if I’d like to work on the ship as a doctor, I said yes.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

GeoMICROBE Sled on the seafloor 海床上的採樣雪橇

There is our sled!! JASON team has mounted a “homer” on the sled so that they can track where the sled is. 

Everything looks good. The sled is not covered by the sediment.

JASON helps to transport the sled to the CORK well head. Note the donut shape HOV/ROV plate form. That is where sled is going to sit on.  

Arrive at the well head. Position the sled on the plate form. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Work on Maria S. Merian 在瑪麗安號上的工作

Sorry about the delay but we have been very busy preparing samplers. Let me show you some photos of our preparation wok during the past 10 days.

Receiving University of Hawaii equipment (收到我們的貨櫃了)

See the big “ALOHA” sign on the container. After so many days of waiting, we have finally got our container on April 13, 2012. That was a long trip for our container from Hawaii to Freeport.

We packed our container with equipment and lab ware. There is no space for people to walk in. Our super responsible and supportive port agent in Freeport, Kent Wards, had to stand on top of our equipment to help to secure items to the forklift.

Lots of items to be unload. We have shipped pretty much the entire lab.

The most important items are our GeoMICROBE instrumented sleds. We are so happy that they are here and we get to deploy them. The two sleds are going to collect very precious crustal fluids for scientific analysis. The data will help us to understand how microbial community and fluid chemistry change with space (two study sites) and time (20-months deployment). Please note that the GeoMICROBE is build using titanium, fiber glass and plastic sheets.
從夏威夷運來最重要的器材就是我們的採樣雪橇了,這次要施放兩個採樣雪橇在兩個不同的水下觀測站,然後在未來的20個月內,每經過2 ~3個月採一次樣品,每次會有水跟顆粒的樣品。

Saturday, April 14, 2012

FOLLOW Team GeoMICROBE on Maria S. Merian 追隨在 Maria S. Merian 研究船上的 GeoMICROBE 地質微生物研究團隊

Juan de Fuca Ridge Flank: Jul. 29-Aug. 11, 2012
We will sail out from Seattle and come back to Seattle. Our study site is marked with a yellow star. It will take us about one day to sail from Seattle to our study site. There will be 7 JASON dives. Each dive will probably last more than 24 hours. 我們下個月底就會從西雅圖出發,到水下觀測井群進行採樣工作,航行時間為一天,目前預計會有7個傑森號潛水計畫,每次的下潛後的工作時間大概會超過24小時。

(Click to enlarge

North Pond: Apr. 11-May 10, 2012
The Location We Embarked and Our Study Site North Pond
我們登船的地點與目的研究站 North Pond:


Live-Time Tracking of Our Research Vessel  Maria S. Merian
Maria S. Merian 研究船的即時位置追蹤:
FOLLOW Team GeoMICROBE on Maria S. Merian
追隨在 Maria S. Merian 研究船上的 GeoMICROBE 地質微生物研究團隊

Deployment and Recovery of GeoMICROBE Sleds 地質微生物採樣雪橇浮力的部署與計算

This PPT uses authentic numbers. It is the sled we deployed in North Pond this past April. All the weights are real and it was a very successful deployment. 這個教案是利用我們今年四月在大西洋航次施放的採樣雪橇作範本,裡面的重量都是精準量測過的。

PowerPoint File  PowerPoint檔案
Excel File  Excel檔案

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Team GeoMicrobe 地質微生物研究團隊

Team Geomicrobe is a research team led by Dr. James Cowen, my Ph.D. adviser. We investigate the microbes live in the “groundwater” circulating in the basaltic crust underneath the ocean floor. Just like we have groundwater circulating inside the continental crust, there is also ground water circulating underneath the ocean. In order to get access to groundwater, what should we do? We drill a hole and install a well, like our ancestors do. Scientists do similar things in order to obtain the “groundwater” circulation underneath the ocean floor. Deep ocean drilling project have drilled lots of borehole on the world’s ocean floor and for a limited numbers of the boreholes, underwater “wells” are installed. A more technical term is Circulation Obviation Retrofit Kit or simply, CORK observatory. About 15 years ago, Dr. Cowen spot this opportunity and he uses CORK observatory to collect oceanic crustal fluids (fluid circulating through oceanic rocks, another technical term for “groundwater”) to investigate the unexplored micro-biosphere. Ever since then, he has been working on how to improve the sampling method to obtain pristine crustal fluid. And I am part of his team.
柯恩教授帶領的研究團隊主要是探討海床下,海洋岩石圈裡的微生物圈。海底沈積物下的岩石,就像是陸地上的岩石圈一樣,在某些水層是可以有地下水可以流通的,而且海底下的岩石,不需要等待雨水的到來,海水就可以在沒有沈積物覆蓋的區域源源不絕的灌入海下的岩石圈。但是比起在陸地上直接鑽井即可以取得地下水來作研究,要在水深數千米的海床下鑽井,並且要鑽穿數百米的沈積物,再鑽進岩石裡,聽起似乎複雜多了,而且即使井鑽好了,海水不就可以透過我們鑽的動一直灌進去嗎?這樣我們要怎麼採得海底下的地下水來作研究呢?經過幾十年的努力,海洋鑽探計畫,已經克服種種困難,而成功的在水下裝設水下觀測系統,而柯恩教授的團隊,就是利用這種觀測井,取得海洋岩石圈中的地下水,來作地質微生物方面的研究。我們這次的航次,主要利用裝置在大西洋西部側翼”年輕”(其實也已經一百五十萬年那麼老的)的觀測井,把我們的採樣儀器下放到水深四千米的海床,然後經由觀測井,把海床下方六百米深的岩石中的水抽到採樣器中,其中會經過有三百米厚的沈積物。我希望利用這個部落格,把這次航次發生的事情記錄下來與你們分享,你們有任何的問題,請email到Dr. James Cowen的信箱jcowen@soest.hawaii.edu,我們會盡量幫你們回答,尤其有任何想問科學家的問題,也可以問。此外,我會把一些我們必須克服的問題放上來,你們也可以幫我們一起想想解決方法喔!

This cartoon shows the relative depth of the circulating crustal fluids. The seafloor depth is 2600m in Juan de Fuca (our other study site). The seafloor depth in North Pond is about 4000 m. Remotely-operated-submersible vehicle JASON is used to help us connect subseafloor sampling systems (GeoMicrobe and MPS) to the fluid delivery line a CORK. Here you can see the CORK penetrate through sediment and into oceanic basaltic rocks.