I moved to Taiwan to work as an assistant professor at the Institute of Oceanography at the prestigious National Taiwan University. I am so lucky to be funded to conduct a survey about the dissolved organic chemistry of coral waters around the beautiful Taiwan Island. I form a new research team and built a mini size monitoring/sampling submersible instrumentation, named "Mini GeoMICROBE". Here are a short movie and some photos of us working underwater, collecting time-series reef water samples. A big difference between my previous sandy/muddy CORK sampling site and my current coral reef water sampling sites is the colorful coral ecosystem. There are colorful fish and sea turtles. Another big difference is that I am actually "in" the studied seawater, not being separated by the sphere of a submersible.
我現在台灣擔任助理教授的工作,幸運地得到研究經費可以研究珊瑚礁水域的有機物,為了可以得到高頻率的海水與懸浮顆粒樣品,我重新建造了一個小的水下採樣監測儀器,主要的原件為採購自美國麻省的麥克連研究實驗室(McLane Research Laboratories, Inc.) 的二十四項閥自動採水器,我們之後會加裝上溫度、鹽度、螢光與溶氧探針。目前自動採水器的部分,已經成功地在台灣東南方小琉球島的珊瑚礁水域施放與回收,得到每兩小時的時序樣品。以前在夏威夷跟柯恩老師(Dr. Cowen)建造的的大採樣器要用大研究船的絞機才有辦法施放,這個迷你型的採樣器,只要四個壯丁,就可以扛到水中放置固定與回收,運氣好的時候,還可以遇到海龜喔。