Dr. Judith Connor is a trained scientists (Ph.D. from UC Berkley and postdoc at Stanford) and now working in a research-intensive "aquarium", her role is to convert on-going scientific results into easy to understand aquarium exhibit and annual reports. She helps the scientists from MBARI to edit their news press. She has also authored in four scientific history books.
康納博士從有名的柏克萊大學拿到博士學位,曾在史丹佛當博士後研究員,之後就一直在美國的美國蒙特利灣海生館研究機構當寫作專家,她的工作內容包含幫展覽附上文字內容,幫特別的展覽寫教案,包含類似台灣常見的學習單之類的,然後一個重要的工作是幫科學家修改新聞稿。她開玩笑的說,剛開始科學家們對於她的修改都非常反彈 (我似乎看每次從老師那邊拿到他幫我改的文章時,火冒三丈的自己),因為大家都覺得自己嘔心瀝血之作已經是完美的,但長久以來,科學家們開始體會不改成更淺顯易懂的詞句,一般大眾真的轉頭就走了。
Dr. Judith Connor |
Here is a link to read more about her:
From her talk, she introduced the annual reports published by Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute http://www.mbari.org/news/publications/pubs.html. Click on the link and it will bring you to the pdf version of the reports. There are lots of pictures in these reports and are quite easy to understand. Dr. Connor suggests us to use VISUAL AIDS to help general public to SEE our work. You can actually see how many photos she used in the annual reports. Teachers can get good teaching materials from here too.
A question she posted to us was "why do the public still go to the aquarium to see exhibits while the ocean is right there?" Why? (you should answer this). Her question made me realize that the ocean can be intimidating to many people but the aquarium can always make the ocean/sea appealing. Science writing for general public is exactly what an aquarium does: to take out the fear and let the general public enjoy the science. So now, I have a good idea about my other responsibility. To bring my science to general public and to allow them enjoy the exhibit I display for them.
她提出一個有趣的論點是"當美麗的海洋就在你眼前,為什麼你還要去海生館呢?" 就像台灣的車城的海生館,就在美麗的海邊一樣,為什麼?她的這個問題,提醒了我並不是每個人對於海洋都像我一樣無畏懼的,所以海生館的設立,就可以讓每個人都可以放鬆心情的去學習關於海洋的一切。(燈泡在我腦袋中亮了!!),原來,科普的寫作,就像是海生館一樣,讓對科學有所恐懼的一般大眾們,可以輕鬆的一窺現在最前端的研究。
The next speaker is George Johnson (http://sciwrite.org/glj/). The idea of his recent book "Cancer Chronicles" comes from when his (formal) wife got a cancer in 2003. I really didn't get much of what he talked about because his voice was at the frequency I can't really hear well. Nevertheless, I looked up some of his articles and man... there are a lot. Check this out and read them when you have time http://topics.nytimes.com/topics/reference/timestopics/people/j/george_johnson/index.html
另一個講者是科學專欄的作家,老實說,因為他說話的頻率實在太低了,我很難聽清楚他在說什麼,而且也沒有投影片,所以我趁機上網查了一下他的作品,實在太多了吧!!http://topics.nytimes.com/topics/reference/timestopics/people/j/george_johnson/index.html 他的文筆真的很不錯,大家想要多練習科學英文閱讀的,真的可以去看看。
George Johnson |
The third speaker is Tim Appenzeller. I extracted some information from his slides and I think they are funny.
The trouble with editors
You can’t escape them, unless you're publishing in blogs
They never seem to get your points
They are easily bored
They ask too many questions
They make clumsy changes
They have no respect for your time
What editors hate
They hate a very clumsy first draft. Don’t just
throw your ideas out and expect the editor will do the cleaning for you. (Tina's face turned red... because this is exactly what I've been doing to my academic adviser).
What editors do
· They look for places where you think are clear but
actually they are confusing.
· They are sharp.
They think for the readers.
They want you to walk your reader through
the entire article.
They point out places where you assume your readers know but actually most of your readers don't.
Self reflection:
My adviser is a very good editor and he is the most patient academic adviser I've ever had. Now seeing what other editor told me what they expect and what they hate. I realize how clumsy a writer I was and how much improvement my adviser has help me to achieve. No one wants their writing to be "criticized" but trust me, you need to feel lucky if some is willing to spend the time to read and criticize your work. It will only help you to make your writing better. Practice makes it better. Revise! Revise! Revise!!!
Okay... not more clumsy first draft to Jim.
There are other fun parts of this workshop. For example, we were asked to read four journal articles about the same scientific paper. I was amazed to see how journalists can "interpret" the same scientific paper so differently. For me as a scientist, I prefer to use objective terms such as "hints, probably" and I do not like dramatic words. However, for general readers like you, would dramatic words and sentences catch your eyes better?
I really enjoy today's workshop and hopefully, I will use this blog to practice my writing for the general public like you. Please feel free to send me your comments so that I can do better and to inspire you more.
這個研討會另一個有趣的地方是,Shimi (主辦人)讓我們讀四篇科普文章,這四篇文章探討的內容都源自同一篇科學研究報導,讓我很驚訝的是,同一個科學研究,居然可以讓四個記者寫出四篇迥然不同科普文章。這讓我想起台灣媒體的亂象,老是喜歡斷章取義,用聳動的標題,但總是文不對題。從中,我們也討論了,身為科學家的我們,喜歡的是怎樣的科普文風,但我們更想知道的是,"你們"喜歡的文風是怎樣呢?聳動的標題與內容?還是穩穩當當讀像真正的科學文章一樣,不給"是或非"的科學結論呢? 我們也意識到說,身邊的朋友都期待我們的回答是很確定的,因為如果連當科學家的我們,都不知道問題的真正答案是什麼,你們要何所是從呢?
This is wonderful - thank you for sharing