Monday, July 22, 2013

Work on R/V Atlantis 亞特蘭提司號上的工作照片

We are already more than half-way through the expedition. What are our UH gangs doing out there? Here are some photos to show you. 
航次已經 過了超過一半了,大家在船上都在幹嘛呢?咱們來瞧瞧吧!

Grieg was being interviewed. In the background is our modified Geomicrobe Sled.

Grieg was so enthusiastic about his virus work.

Oliver was working on setting up Mobile pump system (MPS) on JASON's front basket.

Our longtime collaborator, Dr. Eric Oslon from University of Washington, was showing Oliver and Jannai how to use a a pre-evacuated glass flask to subsample basement fluids.

Eric showing Jannai how to prepare a gastight sampler.

Abandon ship drill. Gummy suit.

Everett was getting gastights ready on the JASON's side basket.

Sean was getting his filtration gears ready.

I really don't know what Bob was doing~~

Oliver was subsampling basement fluids into various kind of vials for different kinds of analysis.  To maintain cleanness, all the subsampling takes place inside a laminar flow hood. The high efficiency air filter can filter more than 99.999% particles.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Recovering the GeoMicrobe Sled 收回採樣雪橇

After sitting on the CORK head for two years, the GeoMicrobe Sled is finally getting closer to its way back to ship. The recovery of this sled turn out to be very challenging. During the first dive, we found out that our floatation packages were missing. We need the floats to bring the sled back. Our sled is still too heavy even if we attach all other smaller floats available on the ship. We decide to use remote operated vehicle Medea ( to help us pull the sled back. That isn't an easy task. We need to find a good/secured way to connect to Medea to the GeoMicrobe Sled. The scientists and the JASON team decided to use a strong rope with a shackle at the end to attach sled to the Medea. Can you imaging using two pairs of chopsticks to tight a shackle? That is exactly what the JASON pilots need to do with JASON's two manipulators. The pilot was so skillful and our sled was successfully attached to Medea and it's on it's way back right now~~ 

我們的採樣雪橇孤零零的在水下觀測井的平台等待我們迎接它回來,一等就是兩年,這之間不知道發生什麼事,原本掛在採樣雪橇上的浮球組,整個不見了,沒有浮球,我們就沒有足夠的浮力把雪橇帶回來。而且採樣雪橇太重了,即使把船上現有的全部浮球裝上去,都還不夠,因此我們希望利用遠端遙控潛水艇米迪雅(Medea 幫我們把雪橇拉回船上。說起來簡單,但是光要把採樣雪橇跟米迪雅連在一起,就是個大工程了,科學家們跟潛水艇機長們決定用一條很強壯的繩子,用傑森號的機械手臂,利用英文叫做shackle的掛鉤,串到採樣雪橇上,想想傑森號的船長跟發號施令的科學家都在船上,而傑森號跟採樣雪橇都遠在2600米深的海床上,就像是要我們用兩雙筷子鎖螺絲釘,並不是簡單的任務,但大家協力辦到了,採樣雪橇正在返回船上中,好令人期待啊!

GeoMicrobe Sled in sight. There is no floatation attached.
The hook like tool is called shackle.

JASON's left hand is a shackle. Right hand is a bolt that can close the shackle hooked to the sled.
Hooking the shackle to the GeoMicrobe Sled.
Shackle is in position. Tightening. Better seen in the left bottom panel.

Jason back off from the GeoMicrobe Sled. Trying to see if Medea can lift the GeoMicrobe Sled up.
GeoMicrobe Sled is up!!

(two hours later)

Pulling Medea off the water.
Medea is on deck.
JASON is off the water.

GeoMicrobe Sled off the water. 

After TWO years of waiting. Sled is back on deck!!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Sampling for gas content analysis

Follow the team on live streaming 海上研究現場直播

After a whole year of waiting, we finally have the chance to back to our Juan de Fuca Ridge Flank study site to retrieve our GeoMicrobe Sled back. This year, the research vessel Atlantis is upgraded to broad band live streaming. You will be able to see us working in the main science lab, on the deck and seafloor operation of remote operated vehicle JASON.

經過一整年漫長的等待,我們終於得到機會可以回到研究區域把我們的採樣雪橇領回來了,而且今天使用的研究船還有即時線上直播, 大家可以點到下面的連結觀看喔。