Sunday, July 22, 2012

Ship-to-Shore webcast guest: Dr. Keir Becker遠端視訊訪問,邁阿密大學貝克教授

Ship-to-shore webcast 遠端視訊連線訪問
Guest: Dr. Keir Becker 契爾·貝克教授

Dr. Keir Becker is a professor at the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami. His expertise is in heat flow and hydrothermal circulation in the oceanic crust; permeability and porosity of oceanic crust; borehole hydrogeological observatories. He has participated in many drilling lags of Ocean Drilling Program and Integrated Ocean Drilling Program. He has also have lots of dive experiences. Dr. Becker participated in the design of CORK observatory and is a pioneer scientist to use CORK observatory to conduct in situ experiments obtain data for hydrogeological and seismic studies. To know more about CORK, please read his paper “A review of CORK designs and operations during the Ocean Drilling Program” (link provided at the end of the article).

Here is a short excerpt of the historic review in this article: The origins of the CORK experiment can be traced back to discussions during a 1987 workshop on wireline reentry of deep-sea boreholes. By that time, considerable experience had been gained in interpreting thermal observations* of vertical flow in Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and ODP holes left open between permeable formation and ocean bottom water (e.g., Hyndman et al., 1976; Becker et al., 1983). However, we recognized that such borehole flow, which seemed to be fairly common in holes penetrating through sediments into oceanic basement, represented serious perturbations to the hydrological systems we were attempting to study via scientific ocean drilling; thus, some sort of sealed-hole experiment was necessary to allow reestablishment of equilibrium in in situ conditions to understand hydrogeologic state and processes. ……The first two installations, …… were successfully completed during Leg 139 in the summer of 1991 (Davis et al.,1992).  
* Back in 1960s, scientists have made calculations based on the cooling of oceanic crust to estimate the temperature of surface sediments on the seafloor. However, the actual measured surface sediment temperatures are much cooler than the estimated values. Scientists proposed that there must be hydrothermal circulation to remove the heat from the oceanic crust. That leads to the discovery of hydrothermal vents in the late 1970s. The more rapid and larger volume of hydrothermal circulation, the faster the cooling.   

這是文章中摘錄的一小段:早在1987年的一個研討會中,就有人提出要在海洋鑽探計畫所鑽出來的洞中,放入可允許重複放入載有儀器的纜線的導引漏斗(註1),在那時候,我們已經從熱流量的資料(註2)對於岩石圈中的水文流動多少有點認知。但想要從深海鑽探計畫的洞,直接量到岩石圈中的循環的熱液溫度與水壓,卻有難度,畢竟鑽洞的過程中,導致海水與海下岩石中的地下水會交換,因此,我們建議必須要在鑽探後把洞口封住,讓海下岩石圈中的地下水可以回復原本的水文狀態。經過多次的討論與得到鑽探計畫的支持,包含工程師T. Pettigrew的參與,兩個水下觀測井在1991的夏天就已經安裝到有厚沈積物覆蓋的Middle  Valley(很爛的翻譯,叫中峽谷)洋脊張裂區。

1reentry,我翻成漏斗,因為現在我所認識的reentry cone長得就像漏斗一樣,因為鑽井的洞直徑頂多三十公分,要在茫茫大海中,在把儀器放入這麼小的洞裡面,根本是不可能, 因此就用類似漏斗狀的構造,幫助我們找到洞,漏斗的口徑可以大到快五米寬,這樣就簡單多了。
2: 早在1960 科學家就利用海洋地殼冷卻速度,來預測海底沈積物應有的溫度,但是實際測量到的海底的沈積物表層溫度,尤其是在洋脊附近的沈積物溫度,卻比預測值低很多,在1970年代初期,科學家就認定,這些較低的沈積物溫度,並不是測壞掉的值,而是因為下面有水的流動,而加速海洋地殼的冷卻速度,導致沈積物的溫度也降低。循環在海洋地殼中的水量越多,與底層海水(只有攝氏2度)交換速度越快,冷卻海洋地殼的速度越快。洋脊附近,因為沒有沈積物覆蓋,所以底層海水可以自由的進出海洋岩石中。

I have sailed with Dr. Keir Becker several times. To me, he is a very down-to-earth scientist. He is always smiling and remains calm even when there are problems. Want to hear more about the stories about CORK observatory, his discoveries and how he made the seemed impossible tasks put to work? Please post your questions to Dr. Becker and stay tune to our post of the coming ship-to-shore webcast scheduled on the date of transiting (July 29th) with Taipei First Girls High school.   


A review of CORK designs and operations during the Ocean Drilling Program

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