Tuesday, May 8, 2012

GeoMICROBE Sled on the seafloor 海床上的採樣雪橇

There is our sled!! JASON team has mounted a “homer” on the sled so that they can track where the sled is. 

Everything looks good. The sled is not covered by the sediment.

JASON helps to transport the sled to the CORK well head. Note the donut shape HOV/ROV plate form. That is where sled is going to sit on.  

Arrive at the well head. Position the sled on the plate form. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Work on Maria S. Merian 在瑪麗安號上的工作

Sorry about the delay but we have been very busy preparing samplers. Let me show you some photos of our preparation wok during the past 10 days.

Receiving University of Hawaii equipment (收到我們的貨櫃了)

See the big “ALOHA” sign on the container. After so many days of waiting, we have finally got our container on April 13, 2012. That was a long trip for our container from Hawaii to Freeport.

We packed our container with equipment and lab ware. There is no space for people to walk in. Our super responsible and supportive port agent in Freeport, Kent Wards, had to stand on top of our equipment to help to secure items to the forklift.

Lots of items to be unload. We have shipped pretty much the entire lab.

The most important items are our GeoMICROBE instrumented sleds. We are so happy that they are here and we get to deploy them. The two sleds are going to collect very precious crustal fluids for scientific analysis. The data will help us to understand how microbial community and fluid chemistry change with space (two study sites) and time (20-months deployment). Please note that the GeoMICROBE is build using titanium, fiber glass and plastic sheets.
從夏威夷運來最重要的器材就是我們的採樣雪橇了,這次要施放兩個採樣雪橇在兩個不同的水下觀測站,然後在未來的20個月內,每經過2 ~3個月採一次樣品,每次會有水跟顆粒的樣品。