Final decision about JdF flank expedition on Langseth: **NO**
Since the cancellation of our research cruise using R/V Thomas G. Thompson, our chief scientist, UNOLS(, NSF and the JASON team have been trying really hard to reschedule another backup cruise to retrieve important sampling systems that have been deployed for a year. Unfortunate, there will be a domino effect if they squeeze our cruise in between already fully-scheduled ship and submersible plans so that the final decision is still a "NO." We have to leave those sampling equipment, including our precious GeoMICROBE sled and the samples collected over the past year, on the seafloor for at least another year. Let's hope the best that we get to sail out again.
自從兩個禮拜前,我們的JdFR航次被取消後,首席科學家Dr. Andy Fisher,與美國國科會,美國海洋研究船聯繫網,以及研究潛水艇傑森號的機組人員,不斷的在溝通與協調,希望能夠在挪出幾天的船期與潛水艇時間,讓我們可以取回已經施放在海床上將近一年的採樣儀器。然而,這種決定會產生一連串的骨牌效應,甚至影響到明年一整年的全美的其他研究航次,所以只好決定犧牲,以降低影響的層面,我們只好期待明年我們能夠順順利利的出海,並且把儀器跟樣品成功的收回。這個突發事件其實並不是那麼不可預期的,畢竟我們進行的這種深海研究,所需要的背後支援是相當龐大的,因此,每一次的研究航次,在海上順利作業的每一天,讓我們都是很心存感激的。
Here is the message from our chief scientist.
Hi, Folks,
After a protracted process of discussion and planning, our expedition has been scrubbed for the second time in three weeks. That is not quite accurate, as we were never officially on Langseth...but it sure seemed like we were for a few days...we did our best to get even a few days to recover critical systems, but no joy.
Big breath, let's see what we can do about scheduling for 2013.
Take care, Andy
Below is the message from Dr. James Cowen.
Dear colleagues,
The cruise is officially cancelled. We will need to remove the last two pallets from the container tomorrow morning and I will have the empty container picked up tomorrow noonish. Oliver can manage this with Phil's help. We will then all need to remove our gear from Phil's hanger as soon as is practical.
There is still a very outside possibility that we could have the opportunity to send one person on the Tivey/Butterfield cruise to pick up our GeoM sled, but this would involve only a minimum of gear that would FedEx.
I am sorry that this happened, but what can you do. I greatly appreciate everyone's help in gearing up for this cruise (multiple times) and your patience and flexibility throughout the process. We will be rescheduled for next summer and lightening never strikes twice in the same place.
aloha, Jim